lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011


Hola a todos! Hace unos días que volvimos de vacaciones,espero que vengais con las pilas llenas para este último trimestre que como sabeis es muy corto.Para completar nuestro blog,que se está quedando bastante bien para ser el primero, haremos las siguientes actividades.

Hello, I'm Natalia and I ´m going to write my project:

Our school excursion:

On Monday, I went to the conservatory of music with my class. We saw the opera "D.Giovanni" performed by students of the conservatory. I really liked it and all they sang very well.

Hello! My name is Luis.

I communicate with my friends on the Internet.
Sometimes I communicate with my friends using the computer. In the evenings, after school, we send ours videos and speak to each other.
We always communicate at the weekend.

It is very fun!

Hello!!!!! My name is Lola.

I haven´t got a mobile phone so I use a computer to communicate.
Sometimes I communicate with my friends on the computer.

We use mail and messenger.

I use the messenger at the weekends.

In my blog I write messages.

Hello, I'm Reyes.

My best friend lives in a different place. At the weekends we use the computer to comunicate to each other.
We haven’t got a mobile phone. We send a lot of e- mails.

Hello! I´m Daniel I´m going to show my project. Last weekend, our class went on a school excursion . We went to the beach.


We sawm in the sea .
We saw different fish in the sea. We saw crabs jellyfish and a lot of a rocks.
In the evenig cooked sardines,
potatoes and
Ice cream.


We went to the very small town and bouht postcards, and souvenirs.
We visited a place with a fountain
We went to the camp in the beach again and we had sandwiches and drinks. And we had a great time because we didn´t argue.